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Replaced Mafs on E38 Wont Continue to Run

The symptoms of a bad mass air flow sensor include low engine power, poor fuel economy, an engine that won't start, a check engine light on the dash and a gas smell from the exhaust fumes.

A bad mass air flow sensor is often the likely culprit if your car isn't running as it should.

The job of the mass air flow sensor is to keep track of the amount of air coming in through the air filter, so that the ECU can adjust the amount of fuel getting into the engine.

If the mass air flow sensor isn't working properly then you will be faced with one or more symptoms such as lack of power and bad fuel economy.

Of course, there are many other reasons why your car might not be running properly, so today I'm going to explain how to diagnose a bad or failing air flow meter and see what's involved in fixing it.

7 Symptoms of A Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor

The mass air flow sensor (MAF) data is vital for fuel delivery control. The amount of air entering the engine through the air filter is going to fluctuate depending on how fast the engine is running.

If you push down on the accelerator, the engine will need more fuel to increase the rate at which the pistons are moved. In order to increase speed, more fuel and air is needed. The amount of fuel must be kept in line with the amount of air coming in. This is why the mass air flow sensor is important. It must be able to accurately measure the air flow and send this information to the ECU in real time.

Therefore the most common signs of a bad mass air flow sensor usually appear in the form of an engine that is performing badly.

Here are some of the most common bad mass air flow symptoms that you will typically come across.

1. Check Engine Light appearing on the dashboard

A bad mass air flow sensor will usually trigger a check engine light. This is because the ECU will detect an out of range value coming from the MAF sensor and the check engine light is its way of letting you know that something is wrong.

2. An engine that is difficult to start

Since the ECU can't measure incoming air mass, it needs to compensate for this lack of information using the rest of the engine sensors. Depending on ECU's program sophistication and installed sensors, the vehicle start can be very difficult. On older models, you may find that the engine doesn't start at all.

3. Poor fuel economy

Without proper information coming from the MAF, the ECU won't be able to operate efficiently and thus, a noticeable decrease in fuel economy will be evident. Most ECUs will revert to a default air mass value range to keep the engine running. This is not an accurate value and will result in more fuel being fed into the engine than is required.

4. Rough Engine Idle

Depending on the vehicle year and maker the ECU may not compensate for this failure during idle. This might cause a rough idle or even an engine dying occasionally while idling.

5. Engine hesitation during acceleration

A bad mass air flow sensor won't reliably measure the amount of air coming in through the air filter, resulting in a delay in the fuel delivery during sudden acceleration and a temporary lack of power. In such a scenario, the ECU will sense the drop in engine vacuum first and then using other sensors, will decide if more fuel is required.

That process could take half a second to a second, more than enough to perceive the hesitation. This condition will be worse under wide open throttle acceleration.

6. Engine hesitation under load

Similar to the previous point, if you are driving uphill, towing, or demanding power from your engine,  you will find a serious hesitation due to lack of proper information regarding air mass entering the engine.

7. Gas smell from the exhaust pipe

A failure to deliver the exact amount of fuel to the engine, will affect the fuel to air ratio in the combustion chambers.

If there is too much fuel getting into the engine, this can end up in the exhaust fumes and could cause a noticeable gas smell coming from your exhaust pipe. It can also cause premature failure of the catalytic convertor if left un-repaired.

What is A Mass Air Flow Sensor?

mass air flow sensor

Air Intake System with Mass Air Flow Sensor

The Mass Air Flow Sensor (also known as the MAF) is one of the main electronic components of the fuel delivery system. It's job is to report, in real time, the mass of air entering the engine.

This information is used by the Electronic Controller Unit (ECU) to determine the amount of fuel needed to achieve the stoichiometric ratio consisting of 14.7 parts of air per each part of fuel.

This calculation is then adjusted after analyzing the data from the rest of sensors, especially the oxygen sensor feedback that is used as a key input for the corrections of the next computing cycle. In other words,  without the MAF data, the ECU would be nearly blind regarding air flow making very difficult a proper fuel delivery.

How Does A Mass Air Flow Sensor Work?

Depending on the year and make of the vehicle, you may find different types of mass air flow sensors, from the old-style vane air flow meter to the modern era hot-wire mass air flow meter.

Since hot-wire technology is the most widely used today, we'll assume that your MAF is using that design.

The name "hot-wire" is a direct reference to the sensor design where a thin filament is heated to a constant temperature by an electronic controller. The filament is usually inside a cavity that is part of the MAF sensor.

The theory behind this technology is quite simple, the amount of current required to keep the filament at its preset temperature is directly proportional to the air volume entering the engine. The sensor's integrated controller is in charge of monitoring that current and then report it to the ECU.

There are variations of hot-wire technology too. As you might notice, the hot-wire sensors don't measure "mass" but incoming air "volume". In order to know the air mass, you do need air volume but also air temperature and barometric pressure. That's why some manufacturers include an Intake Air Temperature sensor (IAT) and barometric sensor (BARO) into the MAF.

The combination of the three sensors provides the necessary information for calculating the air mass flow in real time. Some mass air flow sensors literally integrate the IAT and BARO into one single part, while others just use the IAT and BARO information to calculate the mass keeping each sensor independent.

Another important factor to consider is the MAF signal output. The main difference between an analog mass air flow sensor and a digital one is its output.

A digital output is instantly interpreted by the ECU without the need of passing the signal through ECU's analog-to-digital converter (ADC). That function is delegated to the MAFs own ADC which is a component of its integrated controller.

Summing up, before going any further you should understand the following key concepts:

  • Most mass air flow sensors use hot-wire technology.
  • You may find MAF designs with integrated IAT and sometimes BARO sensors. (Keep that in mind during diagnostics)
  • Some air flow meters have digital outputs. Digital outputs can only be measured using frequency meters (DVOM or oscilloscope) or an automotive scan tool.

How Do You Diagnose A Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor?

For the purpose of this article, it's assumed that you have a basic knowledge of safety precautions while working on your vehicle.

Depending on the mass air flow sensor installed on your vehicle, you may need one or more of the following tools:

  • OBD2 Code Reader
  • Digital multimeter (DMM)
  • Automotive diagnostic scanner with live data capabilities
  • Digital Oscilloscope

A professional grade automotive scanner with live data graphing capabilities is not essential for testing the MAF sensor but certainly would speed up the process no matter what kind of sensor is installed.

Always refer to the appropriate OEM literature when possible. Original manufacturer diagnostic procedures should always have precedence over a generic workflow.

Check air flow meter automobile engine by car technician.

A mass air flow meter removed from it's housing

1. Preliminary Steps

Recommended tools: OBD2 Code Reader / automotive scan tool

> Data trouble codes: using an OBD2 code reader take note of any DTC present in the ECU memory. For doing so you only need to connect your code reader and turn the ignition key on (engine off), a state usually known as KOEO. Common error codes include P0299 (if turbocharger is fitted), P0300, P0101, P0102 and P0171.

> Data trouble codes clear:now that you know what codes were stored into memory you need to clear them. This is usually done selecting "clear codes" in your tool.

> Driving cycle: disconnect your OBD2 code reader and start the engine, this state is commonly known as KOER (Key On Engine Running). If the Check Engine Light turns on then stop the engine and continue with the diagnostic. If the Check Engine Light remains off then drive the vehicle for 5 to 10 minutes. If the light remains off you may have an intermittent problem. If the light lit during your driving cycle then continue with the diagnostic process.

IMPORTANT : The following tests assume that the MAF sensor harness is already unplugged, refer to "how to replace" section if you have any doubt.

2. Visual Inspection

Recommended tools: none

> Sensor wiring: perform a meticulous visual inspection of MAF sensor wiring. Look for burnt, damaged, corroded or deteriorated wires. Pay special attention to possible shorts to ground or open circuits produced by a faulty insulation.

> Sensor harness connector: similar than before, perform an exhaustive visual inspection of MAF sensor connector. Ensure that the ignition key is switched off and unplug the MAF sensor harness connector. Look for bent terminal pins, loosely connections, corrosion or any other possible indication of a bad connection.

> Sensor internal condition:  it's very common to find a MAF sensor reporting false values due to a clogged or dirty hot-wire cavity.

Air entering the engine may have oil particles as well as dust and other pollutants that decrease the MAF sensibility over time. An exhaustive visual inspection to discard this condition is a must before going any further.

3. Electrical Tests

Recommended tools:digital multimeter (DMM)

> Reference voltage: as mentioned earlier in the article, many designs include IAT and sometimes even BARO within the MAF. Refer to the appropriate wiring diagram to identify your connector signals.

The intake air temperature sensor is analog, meaning it needs a reference voltage (of 5V) coming from the ECU. In order to measure the reference voltage, you will need to enter KOEO mode (Key/Ignition On – Engine Off) and turn the digital multimeter dial to "voltage" test mode. Now place one multimeter probe in a known ground (battery negative is a good one) and the other probe tip in the terminal of the MAF sensor wiring harness corresponding to the ECU reference.

If there is no voltage (or is below 4V) then you must check the continuity and electrical resistance of the wire from the terminal all the way to the ECU itself. In case your MAF integrates a BARO sensor repeat the same procedure.

> Ground test: this test assumes that you found a good reference voltage coming from the ECU. Once again, enter in KOEO mode, turn the digital multimeter dial to "voltage" test mode and place one probe tip on the MAF harness terminal corresponding to the reference voltage and the other on the terminal that should be the ground.

It's not unusual to have more than one ground coming from the ECU, especially on integrated designs. Ideally, the voltage would be the same value as the previous test, if the difference is greater than 10% then you will need to check electrical resistance and continuity of the ground line from the MAF harness all the way down to the ECU. Repeat this test for each of the MAF ground signals.

> Supply voltage: as explained in this article, the MAF sensor uses a hot-wire design. The integrated MAF controller uses a 12V supply voltage to power itself but also to operate the hot-wire filament. Without this power line, the MAF would shut-off immediately. Refer to the proper wiring diagram and identify the terminal corresponding to the +12V line.

In order to measure the supply voltage, you will need to enter in KOEO mode and turn the digital multimeter dial to "voltage" test mode. Now place one multimeter probe in a known ground (use battery negative again) and the other probe tip in the terminal of the MAF sensor wiring harness corresponding to the +12V supply. If the measured value is below 95% of the battery voltage then you will need to check the entire line from the MAF harness all the way to the ECU itself.

4. Scan Tool Tests

Recommended tools: automotive scan tool with live data capabilities.

Optional tools: a professional automotive diagnostic scanner with live data graphing ability.

> Mass Air Flow Sensor live test: using an automotive diagnostic scanner you can perform a MAF "live test". First, enter in KOEO mode and lock the MAF sensor related data on the display. Depending on your vehicle and scan tool maker you may have several items to check. Focus on the calculated MAF output, many times expressed in grams per second. You could also lock on screen the MAF output voltage if you can't find its calculated value. Once you are ready start the engine to enter KOER mode. If your scan tool has a graphing ability turn it on. Graph engine RPM and MAF output at the same time. Gently accelerate and decelerate the engine. The resulting lines should be similar, increasing and decreasing simultaneously. The greater the difference between them the greater the probability that you have a bad mass air flow sensor.

Cost of replacing A Bad mass air flow sensor

A replacement mass air flow sensor can cost anywhere from $20 to $600.

Replacing a mass air flow sensor is fairly straight forward, so most of the cost comes from the cost of the part, and not the labor.

If you are going to replace the MAF yourself, then I'd always recommend buying an OEM mass air flow sensor. It will probably cost more, but it will last longer.

I've tried cheap aftermarket sensors from lesser known manufacturers and they always fail within 6 months to a year. Depending on your vehicle, you may be able to replace the inner 'sensor part' of the MAF, and this can be cheaper than buying the entire part.

Here's a table of popular vehicles, with the approximate cost of replacing the mass air flow sensor.

Vehicle Model

Labor Cost

Cost of Mass Air Flow Sensor


Ford F-Series

$20 – $50

$200 – $350

$220 – $400

Chevrolet Silverado

$30 – $50

$120 – $180

$150 – $230

Ford Focus

$20 – $50

$160 – $250

$180 – $300

Toyota Camry

$40 – $80

$300 – $520

$340 – $600

Toyota Corolla

$40 – $80

$250 – $400

$290 – $480

Nissan Altima

$60 – $90

$250 – $450

$310 – $540

Honda CR-V

$50 – $80

$150 – $200

$200 – $280

Honda Civic

$30 – $70

$120 – $220

$150 – $290

Honda Accord

$50– $80

$150 – $240

$200 – $320

Ford Fusion

$20 – $50

$160 – $270

$180 – $320

PT Cruiser

$40 – $80

$180 – $270

$220 – $350

Lexus RX300

$40 – $80

$150 – $230

$190 – $310

Nissan Pathfinder

$35 – $60

$250 – $400

$285 – $460

Subaru Impreza

$30 – $80

$200 – $370

$230 – $450

How To Replace A Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor

The MAF sensor is usually located between the throttle body and the air filter housing. It's not a difficult job to replace the sensor as it usually only involves removing the air filter box and some air pipes.

Recommended tools: OBD2 Code Reader, safety glasses, mechanics gloves, appropriate screwdriver and/or wrench, proper illumination (LED flashlight),

  1. > Preliminary steps:ensure that the ignition switch is off and then disconnect the vehicle battery. Detaching the negative terminal is usually enough.
  2. > Remove MAF sensor connector:this step may be tricky in some models. Generally speaking, the connector has a plastic tab that you should push down while you pull out the harness. But in many cases, there is a small security clip (sometimes plastic, sometimes metallic) that must be removed first using an adequate screwdriver.
  3. > Remove MAF sensor screws:most mass air flow sensors use clamps on each side to connect to intake manifold air duct. Loose both clamps using the adequate screwdriver and remove the sensor. Be cautious while doing so.
  4. > Install the new MAF sensor:retire the old sensor and then install the new one. Double check that you're using the adequate part number.
  5. > Reconnect sensor and battery:once you are done, reconnect the sensor (don't forget security clips) and then the battery terminal.
  6. > Clear DTC memory:using the OBD2 code reader clear the ECU memory to prevent any false code been stored. You will need entering in KOEO mode for doing so.
  7. > Perform driving cycle:once you are done, drive the vehicle for more than 10 minutes. Try to accelerate as you would normally do.

How to clean a Dirty mass air flow sensor

Sometimes you may be able to extend the life of the mass air flow sensor by cleaning it. As explained above, the sensor can become covered in grease and dirt and this can affect its performance.

In my experience, if the engine is performing very badly, then the sensor may be worn as well as dirty. A dirty MAF sensor will affect things like fuel economy and may cause a delay in acceleration, but usually won't cause a misfire or engine cut out. If the check engine light comes on, then it usually points to a sensor that is broken and cleaning it won't make any difference.

Here are the basic steps involved in cleaning a mass air flow sensor. They may differ from vehicle to vehicle, so it's a good idea to refer to a service manual if possible. I usually clean the sensor whilst it is still fitted to the car, as there is usually no need to remove it, but some people prefer to remove it, both approaches work fine.

1. Remove/disconnect the air filter box. Locate the air filter box and loosen the connection between the mass airflow sensor and the air filter box. You may need to remove the air filter box completely. You need clear access to the mass air flow sensor housing without removing it from the vehicle.

2. Remove the mass air flow sensor. Once you have access to the mass air flow sensor, carefully remove any larger pieces of dirt such as leaves or small stones etc. There shouldn't be any dirt on this side of the air filter, but sometimes if the air filter is dirty and has not been changed in a long time then dirt can accumulate here. Remove the sensor from the air filter box or from the vehicle.

3. Clean the surface of the MAF sensor. The hot-wire sensors of a MAF are very delicate, you need to proceed with extreme caution and never ever use any decarbonizing, acid, aggressive detergent or similar product on it.

To clean the sensor surface, you should only use a Mass Air Flow Sensor cleaner (MAF cleaner) or electrical contact cleaner. Try not to touch the sensor surface with your hands as grease and dirt from your hands can damage it.

Let the sensor surface dry completely before refitting it to the vehicle.

4. Refit the mass air flow sensor to the car.Refit everything carefully, and be sure to reconnect the wiring harness to the MAF sensor housing. If necessary, replace the air filter with a new one.

Here's a video that explains the process. It shows how to clean the MAF sensor on a Volkswagen Golf by removing it from the vehicle.

Related Questions – Bad mass air flow sensor

1. Can you drive with a bad mass air flow sensor?

You can drive with a bad mass airflow sensor, but you shouldn't as it can lead to the damage of other engine components and your vehicle will use a lot more fuel than it should, especially at higher speeds.

On most modern vehicles, if the ECU receives no signal or an out of range signal from the MAF, then it will try to compensate by adjusting things like the fuel delivery and the engine timing. The ECU will effectively use a default airflow value that is related to the position of the throttle body. This is an inaccurate, approximate value and is used to keep the engine running.

Usually, a car will continue to run indefinitely with a bad MAF sensor, but it will experience the symptoms as outlined above. It is ok to slowly drive a short distance to a repair shop, or to your house if you know that the MAF sensor is faulty, but you should really change or clean the MAF as soon as possible to avoid damage to the engine.

2. Bad mass air flow sensor with no check engine light?

Sometimes a mass airflow sensor can start to fail and even trigger engine error codes such as P0101 and P0102, without triggering a check engine light.

There must be a problem with the mass airflow sensor circuit for the check engine light to illuminate. Most of the time, the MAF sensor itself will not fail completely, and instead, will just stop sending an accurate air flow reading to the ECU.

The ECU will record aspecific MAF sensor error code, but won't trigger the check engine light, as technically the sensor is still "working". If the sensor does fail completely, or there is damage to the sensor wiring or connector then the check engine light will usually stay on.

3. What causes a mass air flow sensor to go bad?

Most of the time, a mass air flow sensor will fail because it loses its sensitivity over time due to a build up of dirt or grease. It will also be affected by the high temperature of the engine.

Due to its location in the engine, the mass airflow sensor can regularly be exposed to a wide range of temperatures from freezing to well over 100 degrees. This will affect the electronic properties of the hot-wire sensors, causing them to degrade and become desensitised.

performance air filter

A performance air filter attached to the mass air flow sensor

If the air filter is not changed regularly, or if a low quality aftermarket filter is used, the MAF sensor won't be properly protected from incoming impurities. If your vehicle has a performance air filter fitted, these too can shorten the lifespan of the MAF sensor.

Most performance air filters work by letting more air in than an OEM air filter. This is achieved by making the filter material more permeable. Unfortunately, if more air is getting through then more dirt can get through also, and this can find it's way to the surface of the MAF sensor.

To compensate for the bigger holes in a performance air filter, it's important to regularly apply oil to the filter. If the filter runs dry for a lengthy period, this can have a negative affect on the MAF sensor. It's also important not to use too much oil and to allow the filter to dry before fitting, so as not to contaminate the MAF sensor with the oil.

Summary – symptoms of a bad mass air flow sensor

The symptoms of a bad mass air flow sensor include a car that is difficult to start, bad fuel economy, a rough idle, lack of power especially when accelerating and sometimes a fuel smell from the exhaust fumes.

A properly functioning MAF sensor is vital for an engine to run efficiently. If you suspect your car has a bad MAF sensor then you should check it out as soon as possible.
